Ask a Mental Health Clinician
Have your questions answered within 24 hours by a network of New Zealand mental health clinicians (to use this service, you need to be at least 18 years old and located in New Zealand)
Do you want to know more about a symptom? Do you want to know where to go or what to do next? Ask a Mental Health Clinician – they’re here to help.
Ask a Mental Health Clinician provides access to New Zealand mental health clinicians for answers to key questions about your mental health.
Simply type your question, attach any supporting documents, and click submit. Your question will be assigned to one of our Mental Health Clinicians who will conduct research and send you a detailed response and attach any relevant links or documents. Please note this service is only available during business days, and a clinician will respond within 24 hours.
Ask a Mental Health Clinician supports your treating doctor. It does not aim to replace them. If you require prescriptions or referrals, you will need to visit your treating doctor.
Who can use this service?
How does it work?
Once you've completed the form one of our Mental Health Clinicians will respond to your query
Submit your questions
Submit your non-urgent medical questions via our portal. Ask as many questions as you need to.
Get answers to your medical questions
Our Mental Health Clinician will provide a detailed written response to your questions within 24 hours. This is general medical advice only.
Additional support
If appropriate, the Mental Health Clinician will recommend you to other medical services that we provide.